Friday, May 05, 2006

The 12,693rd blog entry titled "Han Shot First"...

There are moments when I really hate George Lucas. Then again, I was firmly convinced we wouldn't see this until George had become a Force ghost himself. Good news for those of us who want to see the un-futzed with versions of the movies we grew up with...bad news for those of us who bought the first DVD box set the day it came out. (Not to mention these new DVDs will only be out until Dec. 31...the man is getting as bad as Disney...)


Lab Kat said...

Crap. Can I take this piece-o-crap DVD set back????

Darren Duvall said...

Of course Han shot first.

When there's a price on your head, you can't wait to see if Greedo's going to miss.

Han Solo: Neoconservative.

Lucas Hendrickson said...


Nice one, sir...